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Heat Stroke in Dogs

    🚨 Heat Stroke in Dogs: Know the Signs! 🚨   As temperatures rise, it’s important to be aware of the signs of heat stroke in dogs, a serious condition that can happen quickly and without warning. 🌞🐾   Signs to watch for:   🌡️ High body temperature 💦 Excessive panting or drooling ❤️ Rapid breathing or heart rate 😴 Weakness or lethargy 💩 Vomiting or diarrhea 🦷 Bright red or pale gums 🤯 Staggering or confusion   If your dog shows any of these symptoms, act fast: Move them to a cooler area, offer small amounts of water, and contact your vet immediately.Heat Stroke in Dogs

    The Change Makers | Selwyn Nutley – Central Queensland Pet Rescue

      Meet change maker Selwyn, an 81-year-old powerhouse in Emerald making big change for his furry friends at CQ Pet Rescue. Supporting the over 1.8 million containers donated to the animal rescue through Containers for Change; Selywns efforts support much-needed food, vet bills and more.  

      Sunflower Queen Entrant raises funds for CQ Pet Rescue

        Meet Hannah Ryan, Sunflower Queen Entrant for 2025. Hannah loves reading, grooming and skiing. Hannah has chosen to raise funds for CQ Pet Rescue. When we caught up with Hannah recently she had this to say “I could not be more excited to be an entrant for the Sunflower Queen Quest for 2025! Along this journey, I have chosen a charity that is near and dear to my heart – CQ Pet Rescue! Not only am I hoping to raise as much funds as possible for my charity, I also aim to help the CQ Pet Rescue team get just a few of the many adorable and loving pets they have up for adoption, adopted! CQ Pet Rescue is an animal rescue charity based in Emerald, Central Queensland. CQ Pet Rescue aims to place their rescued animals with families where they will be loved, secure, happy and healthy. This amazing group is staffed entirely by volunteers that are passionate about their work. This charity could not be closer to my heart as a Veterinary Nurse and I am thrilled to be given this opportunity to support their team! I look forward to seeing all your friendly faces out and about, and to having your help in supporting this amazing organization!”

        Elvis – September 2024 – Adopted

          Elvis was the last of beautiful Minty’s litter. Minty came into our care fully pregnant from the pound. She gave birth to quite a few beautiful little fur-babies. We wish Elvis the best in all his future adventures with his new family. We were so happy to have been able to not only adopt Minty to a loving home but also all her fur-babies.

          Common Cat Health Questions

            Though having a cat in your home can be an enriching experience, it also involves significant responsibility. As a pet owner, you are responsible for your cat’s good health. Despite what some cat owners may think, a cat’s health needs are somewhat complicated. Here are the three most common questions cat owners may ask a veterinary doctor. How do I protect my cat’s health? Cats are a common general question, as most cat owners want to look out for their cat’s overall well-being. Vaccinating your cat is a great way to help protect your cat’s health at an early age. A veterinarian will recommend several different vaccinations for your cat, which can help prevent many potentially serious health conditions. There is a vaccine for enteritis, which is a respiratory condition. In addition to this, there is also now a vaccine against the feline leukemia virus (FLV), which is potentially fatal to some cats. A rabies vaccination is also essential since many cats die yearly from rabies infection. Getting your cat properly vaccinated could perhaps be valued as one of the more critical parts of pet care. Why is my cat vomiting? Since vomiting in cats is a symptom of many different health conditions, it is usually cause enough for some concern. Vomiting indicates that a cat is experiencing some gastrointestinal distress, which many factors can cause. In some cases, a cat may vomit simply from eating quickly. However, vomiting is often a medical symptom that digestive problems may cause. If your cat seems to vomit up one type of food, for example, constantly, this could mean that your cat cannot digest the food formula properly. In this case, it is best to try switching cat food formulas until you find… Read More »Common Cat Health Questions