CQ Pet Rescue looks at a number of factors when adopting our animals to new homes. We always aim to place them with families where they will be loved, healthy, secure and happy. To that end, we consider a number of factors that can influence this outcome, and be the difference between a happy pet and one that is frustrated, roaming or neglected. If you are thinking of adopting a pet, ask yourself this: People have a number of reasons for applying to adopt a pet. Whatever your reasons, ask yourself these questions, and answer honestly to yourself: Are you willing to be responsible for an animal that will depend solely on you for its happiness and welfare for the next 10 to 15 YEARS, which you will need to feed, exercise and play with EVERY SINGLE DAY? Are you willing to work more hours or spend less money on yourself to pay for the animals vet care, food and extra costs? Are you willing to factor your pet into your decisions and lifestyle choices for the next 10 to 15 YEARS as a responsible pet owner? If the answer is not yes to the above questions, then pet ownership is not for you at this point in your life. Whilst pets are wonderful, they can also be hard work and a lot of responsibility and expense. Fencing and security Do you have good fences? Are there gaps underneath or between planks, are they not high enough, are gates always left open, are you on a property with a secure house yard? Secure fencing is essential in making sure your pet is not able to wander off and roam, putting themselves in danger and being a nuisance to your neighbours. … Read More »Are you ready to adopt?