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Cat Food Ingredients to Avoid

    Cat Food Ingredients to Avoid Certain food substances are potentially hazardous to your cat when feeding your cat. Many pet owners aren’t aware that certain human foods are toxic to animals, even though humans can consume them. Cats are susceptible to some substances, which can cause severe adverse health reactions. As a cat owner, it is essential to be familiar with all of the potentially hazardous ingredients that can cause health problems in a cat since it is your responsibility as a pet owner to look out for your cat’s overall well-being. Though many different ingredients may cause medical symptoms in a cat, it is an essential part of pet care to be familiar with them. Here are some of the most common. CHOCOLATE Most pet owners are familiar with chocolate being bad for dogs, but it is also relatively harmful for cats, although its effects on each cat vary in intensity. Chocolate can cause health symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, loss of fluids (due to chocolate being a diuretic), and gastrointestinal problems (such as diarrhea, gas, and vomiting). In more severe cases, it can cause damage to the nervous system. These symptoms are very similar to the symptoms of a caffeine overdose in humans. The active ingredient in chocolate that is harmful to cats is methylxanthine, called theobromine. Though consumption of chocolate is not always fatal to a cat, it can still be hazardous to a cat’s health. If you know your cat has ingested chocolate or caffeine-containing substances, seeking veterinary attention is essential. Failure to do so could be hazardous to your cat’s health. GARLIC/ONIONS The fact that garlic and onions contain potentially harmful substances to cats is not very well known among pet owners. Onions are slightly… Read More »Cat Food Ingredients to Avoid

    CQ Pet Rescue $15K desexing drive and golf day

      Article Written by Di Stanley at CQ Today –   Before a ball gets hit off the tee in the CQ Pet Rescue Charity Golf Day later this month to raise much-needed funds for the volunteer organisation, pet owners have the chance to hit a hip pocket hole-in-one with free animal desexing on offer. CQ Pet Rescue treasurer Susan Consedine said the not for profit group had chipped in $10,000 for a desexing program run exclusively through Emerald’s Gray Street Vet Clinic with the Central Highlands Regional Council donating another $5000. The organisation relaunched in earnest in late January after a brief hiatus. “We really found out feet as a group, worked out where we were and we managed to hit the ground running from there,” Ms Consedine said. “We are still looking for a pound coordinator and a community engagement coordinator, but other than that, all the committee positions have been filled and we’re engaging now with the rangers on a regular basis and extracting animals from the pound. “We are still desperately short of foster carers, but we’re trying out best with what we’ve got.” Ms Consedine said the return of the desexing program amid unprecedent cost-of-living pressures on families would be welcomed. “We have a number of vouchers for the public to access for free desexing for their pets – cats, dogs, doesn’t matter what size what age as long as they’re over six months old and we will pay in full for that,” she said. “We have $15,000 of money there to help the public desex their pets which we think is really important in this economy and these hard times and a lot of people are going to be able to access those resources.… Read More »CQ Pet Rescue $15K desexing drive and golf day

      Juno – April 2024 – Adopted

        Our beloved Juno has been adopted after being in foster care since November 2022 Juno has found her furever home. We are sure Juno will find that favourite spot to nap in during the day, in her new home. We wish Juno and her new family all the best.

        Boa – April 2024 – Adopted

          Boa – April 2024 – Adopted The beautiful Boa has been adopted to her furever home. Her sister Lemmy was adopted first then Boa finally had her wish answered and found her furever home like her sister. I am sure she will be loved dearly and receive all the nurturing and cuddles she so dearly deserves.

          Anders – March 2024 – Adopted

            Our very cute and loving Anders got adopted. He is now living his new life with his new loving family. He got an Easter adoption present. We are so very happy for him and his new family. We wish Ander’s and his new family all the best for all their new fur-adventures they will be having.