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CQ Pet Rescue rises up again

    Written by Di Stanley – CQ Today CQ Pet Rescue has successfully reformed and recharged with a fresh executive team. President Sam Evans said the outlook was positive for the Emerald-based organisation which went into hiatus in July citing volunteer burnout and online abuse. “This is something I’ve always been passionate about,” she said. “So, when we had to close our doors because the resources were spread pretty thin, it was a little bit heartbreaking to realise that the animals going to the pound couldn’t be saved. “We’ve had well over 1000 adoptions since CQ Pet Rescue started.” Ms Evans said with many newcomers to executive positions after the make-or-break meeting on Sunday, 20 November, consultation would be held with Central Highlands rangers to map out future interactions. The Emerald pound is currently closed for the second time in little more than a month due to another outbreak of Parvovirus. “We’ll talk through the pound closure and how we all move forward from that and then we’ll be able to hit the ground running,” Ms Evans said. Ms Evans, based in Blackwater, said there were between 50 to 60 foster carers on the CQ Pet Rescue books in Emerald, Blackwater and Springsure. “We’ve got a lot who have been quiet of late, but now they’ve had a bit of a rest as well, they’re ready to come back and take animals again,” she said. “A lot of the foster carers got completely burnt out because there can be quit a lot of stress on them, and us as well. “So it’s been really good for everyone to just step away, have a bit of time to ourselves and our families, go on a few holidays and then come back and… Read More »CQ Pet Rescue rises up again

    How To Stop Puppy Biting Problems

      There are a lot of proven training methods to help correct your puppy’s behavioural problems. Before I get into the specific techniques you can use to stop your puppy from biting, always keep these general dog behaviour training rules in mind: Puppy socialisation and bite inhibition training go hand in hand. Never slap or hit your puppy in the face. This does not work! Your puppy will just think you are playing or could become afraid of you. This may even lead to some much bigger problems than simple puppy nipping. The general rule to stop puppy biting problems is to encourage and discourage acceptable behaviour. To learn more about this fundamental rule of dog obedience training (including how to stop biting problems), visit Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer. While you are trying to stop your puppies from biting, never play tug-of-war, wrestling, or chase-type games with them. This only encourages biting and nipping. Whichever method you choose to train your puppy, the golden rule is consistency. This means that you and anyone else who comes into contact with your puppy must enforce your chosen strategy every time your pup takes a nip. If you don’t clearly communicate to your dog that biting is unacceptable, he will not know he is doing anything wrong. It’s up to you to show him what is acceptable behaviour; don’t just expect your puppy to know this! (You are really taking on the role of his littermates for this task.) Another (extreme) reason puppies can bite is if they are trying to assert their dominance over you. If this is the case with your puppy, it must be stopped immediately. When you have a dominant puppy, his biting will only be the beginning of… Read More »How To Stop Puppy Biting Problems


        Cooler weather brings a change in human lifestyles: More time is spent indoors, heating is turned on, and winter woollies are worn. Pets also need adjustments to their lifestyles during the cooler weather. All pets deserve a dry, warm, draught-free area; some may even appreciate warm winter woollies. Cats are masters at seeking warmth and will appreciate a cat basket by the heater or a cosy box with warm bedding in the shed or garage. Indoor cats like a window ledge or chair where they can catch the warmth of the winter sun during the day, while outdoor cats will seek out the sunshine on top of a fence or roof. Dogs vary so much in their coat types that the amount of warmth that needs to be provided by the owner varies. The sleek breeds have very little coat to keep them warm, and some, such as Whippets and Greyhounds, have very little fat covering, so they feel the cold severely. These breeds will appreciate a dog coat to keep them snug. A coat will keep some breeds drier if taken for a walk in the rain, but dogs must never be left to wear a wet coat. Many dogs become uncomfortable in a heated house and seek out cooler tiled areas. If the home is heated, ensure the dog is comfortable with the temperature or go to a cooler part of the house if desired. During the winter, the amount of exercise given to the dog may be less than during the summer months due to the reduced daylight hours or the weather; however, for the athletic breeds, it is important to try to fulfil the dogs’ exercise needs. If a dog returns from its walk wet and… Read More »WINTER TIME CARE

        Mosquito Bites and Your Cat

          In addition to causing potentially irritating bites, mosquitoes can spread diseases to your cat. Along with the warm and humid days of summer comes the mosquito. Although cats seem to be guarded against mosquitoes by their fur, they are vulnerable to bites on their ears and noses. As with humans, a mosquito bite can result in everything from an annoying itch to more serious parasitic diseases. In felines, mosquito bite hypersensitivity and heartworm disease are the primary concerns. Lethargy Coughing Vomiting Breathing difficulty Fainting Sudden death Mosquito bite hypersensitivity. This condition results from the cat’s immune system reaction to a mosquito bite. In cats, this exhibits lesions, scaling or raw ulcers in the area of the bite. Hair loss and pigment changes in the affected area are also typical. Often, the pads of the feet will be thickened, swollen, tender, and red. Swollen lymph nodes and fever may also occur. Severe mosquito bite hypersensitivity is treated with oral or injected corticosteroids. Milder cases often resolve independently if the cat is protected from additional bites. Feline heartworm disease. Heartworm disease is a severe parasitic condition caused by a worm, Dirofilaria immitis, which lives in infected pets’ blood vessels and hearts. The disease is spread from dog to cat by mosquitoes. When a mosquito bites an infected dog, the withdrawn blood can contain heartworm offspring. When the mosquito bites a cat, the offspring are passed through. Inside the cat, the heartworm can grow into a parasite up to a foot in length. Cats usually do not have a heavy worm burden (3-5 worms), but even this small number can kill a cat. These symptoms are also associated with other feline diseases, so diagnosis is difficult. A blood test is required to confirm… Read More »Mosquito Bites and Your Cat

          Pet Registration in Central Highlands

            Responsible Pet Ownership To maintain healthy human/dog relationships, here are some basic guidelines you should follow: Register your animal at three months of age. Failing to register your dog can result in a $200 fine. Consider de-sexing and micro-chipping your animals Walk your dog on a lead Keep your animal in your yard Don’t allow your animals to upset your neighbours Make sure your animals don’t frighten people or other animals Ensure your animals have regular vet visits. During the 2010/2011 financial year, approximately 502 dogs were impounded, 83% were returned to their owners or re-homed, and 17% were not claimed and were euthanised. Family Pets shouldn’t become statist; register your animal and make sure it wears its tag Micro-chipping Central Highlands Regional Council encourages ALL animal owners to microchip dogs. c. This is the best form of identification, so your animal can be rescued and reunited. There are three circumstances when microchipping an animal is mandatory: If the animal was under 12 weeks of age when the micro-chipping laws were introduced in the local government a, rea, i.e. 1 July 2009 If the animal is being sold or given away If the dog is declared regulated, the dog Benefits of micro-chipping Microchips provide a permanent form of identification for the life of your pet. Unlike a collar and tag, a microchip can not be lost. Microchips here cover your pet from anywhere in Australia 24 hours per day, seven days a week. Simple and easy to perform—one quick injection beneath the skin by your vet (just like a vaccination) Inexpensive once-off minimal cost protects your pet for life. What do you get for your registration fee? An animal care progrIdentificationion of your dog The reuniting of lost or injured… Read More »Pet Registration in Central Highlands